Q. Guess who’s coming to dinner - I mean choir?
A. Graham Abbott.
Q. Who is Graham Abbott?
A. Just about one of the most interesting people you’re ever likely to meet!
Q. How so?
A. He’s a musician, a conductor, a music educator. He used to have a show on ABC Classic called ‘Keys To Music.’
Q. (Ho hum.) That is ... interesting ... I guess?
A. Yes! Yes! Because he’s absolutely passionate about music, and he can bring out that passion in you. Because he makes everything he talks about sound like an irresistible story. Sometimes it’s an adventure, sometimes it’s a thriller, sometimes a romance, or maybe a costume drama. Whether he’s talking about a particular composer, a musical genre, a specific work, or how to play or sing a specific piece, he’ll have you on the edge of your seat, wanting more. And he doesn’t just talk. He listens. To you. To your questions and opinions. A session with Graham Abbott is your genuine interactive experience!
Q. And you’re telling me all this because?
A. He’s coming to Oriana!
Q. Why?
A. To hold a choral workshop. He’ll be here for a whole weekend, teaching, inspiring, rehearsing – all culminating in conducting a concert performance of what we’ve learned!
Q. But why are you telling me? I’m not a member of the Oriana Choir.
A. Doesn’t matter! Oriana is throwing this open to anyone who likes music, or likes to sing, or enjoys learning something new, or all of the above. If you’ve got even a passing interest in any of these things, you will have a totally unforgettable time. Doesn’t matter if you’ve been in a choir forever, or if you’ve never sung a note, or picked up an instrument. You will be welcome, and you’ll love every minute. If you know anything about Graham Abbott, you’ll know what I’m talking about. If you don’t, you are in for a marvellous surprise!
Q. You’ve got me curious now. When’s it on, and where?
A. Saturday and Sunday, August 27th and 28th. Stella Maris Primary School Hall, Maroochydore.
Q. Do I need to book?
A. Definitely. Go to trybooking.com. But don’t leave it too long! Opportunities like this don’t come along every day!