Nurturing Young Talent
The Sunshine Coast Youth Choir is a non-auditioned ensemble for young singers, male and female, aged 8 to 18 years who are looking to achieve excellence in vocal training and performance.
The early days
The choir was founded in 2009, following recognition by Oriana Arts Inc of the need on the Sunshine Coast for a choir for younger singers. Its inaugural conductor was Elisabeth Wallis Gaedtke and its accompanist was Scott Gaedtke. Both Elisabeth and Scott continued leading the choir until the end of 2015.
An impressive performance record
Since its inception, this youthful group has thrilled audiences with its dedication and talent. The passionate ensemble aims for excellence in everything that it undertakes.
Thanks to the tireless efforts of its musical directors and accompanists, the choir has created an impressive record of achievements. In 2013 the choir was awarded 1st place at the Sunshine Coast Junior Eisteddfod and also performed at the Eudlo Dreaming-Dusk Mantra event directed by Louise King, a project funded by Artslink Queensland. The children enjoyed being involved in such a purposeful event, bringing the community of Eudlo to life.
In 2014 the young singers competed in the Heritage Queensland Eisteddfod for the first time. They did very well with a third place and two highly commended awards.
CD Recording
The Choir also completed recording a CD for a children’s musical called The GnomeNappers, composed by local artist, David P Shortland. This musical is now available to primary schools right across Australia. When a school purchases the copyright to perform The GnomeNappers musical, they are presented with the script, music and a rehearsal CD featuring the voices of the Sunshine Coast Youth Choir!
The Sunshine Coast Youth Choir performs regularly with the adult Oriana Choir and also at their own events. One objective of Oriana Arts Inc. is for choristers to make singing a lifestyle choice, progressing from the Sunshine Coast Youth Choir through to the Senior Choir.
The Youth Choir is currently conducted by Annie Wilson and accompanied by Sarah Laws.
Artistic Direction
Conductor: Annie Wilson
Accompanist: Sarah Laws
Regular rehearsals are held on Thursday afternoons from 4:30 to 5:45pm in Buderim.
Members are encouraged to be involved in all performances and activities throughout the year. The Sunshine Coast Youth Choir performs regularly with the adult Oriana Choir as well as at their own events.
Fees and charges
There is a membership fee and a term fee which also covers uniforms. Further information is available upon enquiry or attendance at first rehearsal. There are four school terms each year. The membership fee is due in January each year.