Photo Galleries
These photo galleries present a selection of images tracing the history of the Sunshine Coast Oriana Choir, its social interactions and its many performances both in Australia and overseas since 2005.
Click on any image to view it at full size and/or to scroll through any of the galleries.
Performance on "Galaxy of Suns" as part of the Horizons Festival, August 2019
"Elijah" at St John's Cathedral, Brisbane 19th May, 2019
Soloists Rehearsal for Elijah - May 2019
These are a mix of photos taken by Erle Levey at the first rehearsal for the soloists who are performing with us in "Elijah", May 2019. They are: Daniel Smerdon, Baritone, playing Elija; Elisabeth Wallis Gaedtke, Soprano; Anne Fuller, Alto and Philip Prendergast, Tenor. Our conductor is Andrew Wailes from Melbourne and the accompanist is Fay Baker. Also pictured is one of our patrons, Jocelyn Walker, who graciously funded the performance fees for three of the soloists.
Oriana - Serious, but a little bit fun...

Creating "Cathedral Dreaming" - a new CD recording

Setting up

Microphones in place

Piano tuned

Sound engineer in control

Sheet music so we know what we're supposed to be singing

All dressed up for the occasion

Take 1

This is how it looked on the editing screen

Let's do a critical analysis

This is what we'll do to make the next take even better

We do have fun!

It's not all hard work

Let's add a little more Bass to that

Just the ladies this time

Fay and Sandra - our amazing Artistic Team
Central Europe Tour - September 2016
Europe Tour - 2012

Immanuel College, Buderim

Budapest, Hungary

The Chain Bridge


Fisherman's Bastion - Budapest

Matthias Church, Budapest


Benedictine Abbey

Belvederegarten, Vienna


Esztergom, Hungary

Budapest, Hungary

Esztergom Basilica

Karpatia Restaurant

Early arrivals for our concert
European Tour - 2012

Palace of Westminster

L'église de la Madeleine

Eiffel Tower, Paris