Frequently Asked Questions
This is a short list of the most frequently asked questions that come our way.
It's not intended to be comprehensive so, if you can’t find an answer to your questions about Oriana here, please contact us directly.
Where do you hold your concerts
We perform in venues across the Sunshine Coast and beyond. We use venues in Caloundra, Buderim, Kawana, Noosa and Gympie. We have also performed several times over the last couple of years in Brisbane, both in the City Hall and at St John's Cathedral. You can check the Upcoming Events page to find out where Oriana will be performing next.
What kind of repertoire do you perform
Oriana is a highly disciplined, versatile choir.
The core of Oriana’s musical repertoire is classical. The choir loves taking on major choral works which to date have included the Requiems of Mozart and Faure, Handel’s Messiah, Schubert’s Mass in G, Vivaldi’s Gloria, Bach’s Magnificat, Mozart’s Grand Mass in C Minor and recently Mendelssohn's masterpiece Elijah.
But we do much more besides. Throughout the year we present performances featuring music from the genres of film, musical theatre, jazz, sacred, opera, world and pop. For instance, we have presented two highly successful revues celebrating the music and spirit of the 60s and the 70s and concerts showcasing some of the wonderful songs from Broadway shows and movies over the years. And during our European tours of 2012, 2016 and 2019 our repertoire included many a cappella sacred pieces, in Latin and other languages. Oriana was privileged to have been selected to sing Mass at St Peter's Basilica at the Vatican.
Do I need to audition to join
Singers who are interested in joining the senior choir are required to undertake an audition with the Artistic Director. The ability to read music, and previous choral experience are an advantage but not essential. But to be a member of Oriana you need to:
have a good musical “ear”;
have a love of singing;
be prepared to work hard and be part of a team; and
be committed to Oriana’s programme.
Please contact the Membership Co-ordinator for more information or to arrange an audition.
The Sunshine Coast Youth Choir is a non-auditioned ensemble for young singers, male and female, aged 8 to 18 years who are looking to achieve excellence in vocal training and performance. Interested singers should email for more information.
Do you have a uniform
Oriana men wear a black suit, black shoes and socks and white shirt. Matching ties, handkerchiefs and cufflinks are provided.
Oriana ladies wear a long black skirt, black top and teal green jacket. These are provided by the choir on a rental basis.
There is also a casual uniform for certain occasions. This consists of a black open-neck shirt and black trousers for both ladies and gentlemen.
The Youth Choir girls wear a black tunic with a sparkly green and black jacket. The boys wear a black shirt, black trousers, black shoes and socks with matching tie.
What does the name Oriana mean
The name Oriana dates from the era of Queen Elizabeth I of England, when the art of madrigal writing was at its peak. The name Gloriana, shortened to Oriana, was a fanciful name for the Monarch. The finest composers of the time contributed beautiful and intricate compositions to a series of madrigals known as “The Triumphs of Oriana” as a tribute to the Queen. Each song from the group ended with the refrain, "Long Live Fair Oriana". Seeking a name that evoked a classical mood, founder Daniel Calder drew the name of the choir from this collection of choral works.
Where do you rehearse
The Oriana Choir rehearses every Thursday night in Buderim. Rehearsal starts at 7:00pm with announcements, followed by warm-ups at 7:15 and runs until 9:30. There is a short break half way through rehearsal.
The Sunshine Coast Youth Choir rehearsals are held on Thursday afternoons from 4:30 to 5:45 pm at Connections on King, 2-10 Gloucester Road, Buderim.